DIY kit Heilala Instructions
The art of making Heilala kahoa's is one that is marstered and is developed over time. So don't be disheartened too fast, we are in this together for the long run!
Written below is my very own step by step how to make your own kahoa heilala at the comfort of your own home. So make sure to screenshot or copy and paste this to your devices.
- red A3 stiffened felt
- kahoa stencil
- hole puncher
- heilala cutter (any size)
- thread like twine
- pen
- acrylic roller
- 250g block of red clay
- 50g green clay
- 50g yellow clay
- birch needle and sewing needle
- oven/portable oven
1. Cut the 250g block of red clay into smaller blocks so that it can be easier to roll out the clay. The clay needs to be atleast 1-3cm thick.
2. Prepare the other 50g blocks of yellow and green clay and roll them into smaller balls.
3. Using the heilala cutter, gently press it down onto the rolled out clay. Keep doing this and use up as much space as you can on the rolled out clay. (If the clay keeps sticking to the
cutter use a small amount of all purpose flour or water and dip the cutter into it before stamping it out onto the rolled out clay).
4. Once finished, use the rolled up yellow clay and gently press it into the middle of the
heilala flower.
5. Gently press all 4 petals with your index finger and thumb to give the flower a 'petal' effect.
6. Gently pinch down on both sides of the heilala flower using both index and thumb fingers
and bring the flower to life (watch Facebook video for more direction).
7. At the bottom of the flower, press in the green bit of clay and twist the birch needle through the bottom so that it makes a clear circle. This will help the twine run through it
when sewing.
8. Align your flowers neatly on the tray to avoid any flowers sticking together.
9. Preheat your houseware oven to about 135 degrees celsius and bake for 20 mins. (If you are using a portable oven preheat your oven to 135 degrees celsius and BAKE the Heilala flowers for 10 minutes. (Please make sure you are checking in on your flowers to prevent
from burning).
10. Let your flowers cool for 10-20 minutes before sewing.
To purchase a Heilala DIY kit simply click on the button below and order. For help on sewing your kahoa, simply watch my videos on either of my social media platforms - Tiktok or on Facebook.
Mālō 'Aupito,
Kasa Katene